Zum Abschluss meiner Pinterest Pinner Interviews in 2015, könnt ihr Euch heute auf mein 12. freuen und alles über Judiths und Igors Pinterest Inspirationen, Trends und Infos, wie sie Pinterest nutzen, erfahren. Das Interview ist auf Englisch veröffentlicht.
What is a perfect day for you?
IGOR: A day where I can slow down the pace of my life and take a good time-out.
JUDITH: A day where I can use my camera: at home or out exploring while spending time with my favorite people.
How and why did you become a blogger?
IGOR: I became a blogger because I wanted to share my love for interior design, travels and plants and inspire others to make the best out of our lives.
JUDITH: I started with gathering cool design projects on my website and nowadays I love creating my own content: I document my travels, style plants at home and try to make the world a little bit more beautiful.
What and who inspires you in your job & private life?
IGOR: I am inspired by honest, hard-working people with a passion and dedication, who keep a smile on their face and remain humble and down to earth.
JUDITH: Like Igor I’m inspired by people that make things happen while keeping their feet on the ground. I’m also inspired by intelligence, wit, good manners and politeness.
Do you have future plans?
IGOR: Always! 2016 will be a very busy year for both, Happy Interior Blog and the Urban Jungle Bloggers.
JUDITH: We have more ideas than time, but 2016 will be full of exciting projects for JOELIX.com and Urban Jungle Bloggers!
IGOR: I hardly remember to be honest. But I guess I started around 2011.
JUDITH: I don’t recall the exact day, but I think it was in 2011.
What fascinates you to be part of Pinterest?
IGOR: It is a great source of inspiration. Whenever I feel like I am lacking inspiration, one click to Pinterest is sufficient to be inspired and motivated again.
JUDITH: Pinterest is a giant source of visuals, I like how you can almost find anything and often faster than Google/Bing.
How would you describe Pinterest within the social media platforms?
IGOR: It is a platform that is more focused on sharing and getting inspiration, not so much about interacting with others. For me Pinterest has become a visual search engine.
JUDITH: Exactly, Pinterest is more about sharing & inspiration than interacting. For me it’s also a work-tool. And it’s probably shows the most “perfect world” of all social media platforms.
How & at which time do you pin on Pinterest?
IGOR: Honestly I do that very randomly. Whenever I have some spare time in between I pin. I always pin a few pics from my latest blogpost and I also repin from my timeline. What I also like to do is to click into similar results when I really like a pin. Chances are high I will find more inspiring pins to add to my inboards.
JUDITH: I often pin late at night, when all work is done. Like Igor I always pin pictures from my latest blogposts, but also pin other people’s blogpost’s pictures when I read them. I follow a restricted group of pinners and when Pinterest started suggesting images I was really offended at first: I like to decide what I see. But the algorithms approved and now I regularly repin suggested pins.
Do you have tips & learnings on how you gained your Pinterest followers?
Not really. But I think it is a mix of regular pinning and having clear, dedicated pinboards. I am also a fan of Pinterest accounts with limited numbers of pinboards as I feel overwhelmed when a user has 20+ pinboards to choose from. It just demands too much time from my side to select or unselect pinboards so I prefer to not follow that user at all.
How do you use Pinterest in general & for your blog?
IGOR: In general I’m using it as a visual search engine and inspiration source. And for my blog I use it to pin few images from my blogpost and enable traffic to be directed towards my blog. For the Urban Jungle Bloggers we use Pinterest as a community platform where we share an image of every UJB blogpost and link to our community member’s Pinterest accounts. Moreover we regularly pin more inspiring green content to our Urban Jungle Bloggers board.
JUDITH: I use Pinterest to create secret boards for my client projects (I’m a freelance graphic designer): it works really well to get a better understanding of what the clients likes and create a direction for new designs. I also love pinning products on my wishlist, it keeps me from buying stuff I don’t really need: sometimes it’s enough to gather all the stuff I like on a board. We also find new monthly topic inspiration on our Urban Jungle Bloggers boards: we just have a look at popular pins and the pins we truly love ourselves. And of course I always pin an image from my blogposts to Pinterest. One of my “how to grow succulents from leaves” blogpost pins went viral and I still get a lot of traffic from that today.
What are your best Repins?
What are your 4 most favorite Pinterest Boards from people you follow & name
4 favorite pins from these boards?
Because I get the best plant inspiration from this board and these pins are great examples for it.
Because I love Jeska’s approach to a considered home where every piece has a meaning and has been carefully chosen.
Because this is the pinboard for perfect hipster apartment inspiration and for little redecoration ideas for my home too!
Because this pinboard opens the doors to some super stylish apartment all around the world.
Because she gathers so many delicate plant pins (and also love her fashion & shoes aesthetic!)
Because Jon was already pinning plants & gardens way before we started Urban Jungle Bloggers: he’s always ahead of his time!
Because this board always inspires me to go on a trip! Especially to some secluded areas where the light is gorgeous.
Because I always find new graphic ideas of color combinations on this board that inspire me in my work as a graphic designer
Who are your 4 most favorite Pinterest Pinners & describe why?
SF Girl By Bay: Because I am a huge fan of her bohemian-modern style!
Justina Blakeney: Because she is the Jungalow queen!
Old Brand New: Because he’s the best vintage vultures and I love his photography.
Apartment Therapy: Because I love to peek into many homes and see befores & afters.
Hye Min: Because she always finds the best shapes (in interior, fashion, shoes, greens, art)
Jonathan Lo from Happy Mundane: Because I just love his colourful and stylish pins, very happy and mundane
Marije Pasman: Because she’s fast (I always see “new” pins on her boards first) and she always has a good mix of interior, plants, graphic design, DIY, travel
Beth Kirby from Local Milk: Because she gathers a slow living hipster vibe with stunning images
In your opinion what is a current trend on Pinterest?
IGOR: As an Urban Jungle Blogger I would say GREENS. Everything green, from housplants, to nature and escapes to the wilderness, Pinterest is brimming with our desire to reconnect with the nature and escape our digital life. On a digital platform by the way 🙂
JUDITH: Plants! The bigger the better! And Pink, especially since Pantone just announced their Rose Quartz and Serenity colors for 2016 (pale pink & pale blue).
Do you have any questions/ helpful suggestions that you wish from Pinterest in the future?
IGOR: I would love if they could finetune their algorithm in order to prevent suggested pins that I have already pinned or that are my own pins. That would make my timeline more varied and useful and my pinning more efficient.
JUDITH: Yes! Me too, I really don’t like seeing suggested pins on my timeline that I already pinned before. Also sometimes I wish I could move pins up or down a board to make it look more cohesive. Especially when I’m preparing boards with/for clients.
Thanx alot dear Judith & Igor!
// 1 Joanna Goddard Brooklyn Appartement, Cup of Jo
// 2 Delfin & Postigo house via Yatzer
// 3 Housetour bei Dabito via apartment therapy
// 3 Housetour bei Dabito via apartment therapy
// 4 Igors Münchner Appartement via designsponge
// 5 Joes und Kellys Brooklyn Zuhause via designsponge
// 6 Interior Design via Anna Pirkola
// 7 Susanna Vento for Sato via coco lapine design
// 8 Bohemian Appartement mit Blumen via designlovefest
// 9 Wildernis Amsterdam via Joelix

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