Pinterest Pinner Interview No. 01/16: Maryanne Moodie

Pinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie Webkunst | woven wall hangingPinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie Webkunst | woven wall hangingPinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie Webkunst | woven wall hanging

Die Australierin Maryanne Moddie liebt die Komplexität und Schönheit von Vintage Textilien, Stoffmustern, traditionellen Kostümen, moderner Kunst und der Natur. Sie lebt in Brooklyn, für sie eine Oase der Kreativität. Ihre Webkunst und Makramee Unikate begeistern mich schon lange. Deshalb darf sie nicht nur in meinem Pinterest Board Art: Weaving & Macrame fehlen, sondern ist auch mein erstes Pinterest Pinner Interview 2016.

Pinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie

“Happy, silly, thoughtful, loved” – ihre Selbstbeschreibung trifft ihre positive Lebenseinstellung. Ein perfekter Tag? “A day spent in and by the water with my loved ones eating delicious food, drinking and soaking up the sun.” Die Leidenschaft zum Makramee Handwerk hat Maryanne während ihrer Elternzeit entdeckt, einen stressvollen Job hinter sich lassend und darin neue Energie und Impulse gefunden.

Wichtige Inspirationsquellen sind: “i love the contemporary artist Nick Cave. i am inspired by lady bosses who create beautiful and thoughtful product – Elizabeth Suzanne, Hackwith Design, Camellia Fibre Company.” Inspirativ und entspannt ist Maryanne auch ohne große Zukunftspläne bestens: “I never plan beyond the next few weeks really. I am always open to change and whatever feels right in the moment. otherwise i would miss out on so much!”

Pinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie Webkunst | woven wall hangingPinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie Webkunst | woven wall hangingPinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie Webkunst | woven wall hanging

Inspirationsquellen Kunst und besondere Techniken mit Stoffen: Meine 2 Lieblingspins sind die beiden Bilder vom spanischen Künstler Daniel Entonado und die textilen Motten von Yumi Okita. Was für eine Kunst unschönes Ungeziefer in so schöne Farben und Muster so filigran genau zu verwandeln, ein absolut überraschender Pin via The Jealous Curator.

Pinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moddie | Inspiration Daniel Entonado Kunst

Pinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moddie | Inspiration Daniel Entonado KunstPinspiration Pinterest Pinner Interview: Maryanne Moodie | Yumi Okita Textile Motten

When did you join Pinterest?

2011 i think?


What fascinates you to be part of Pinterest? 

I love the sharing and getting lost in a thread. it feels like a mind map or meditation.


How would you describe Pinterest within the social media platforms?

It is a way of meditating on an idea and allowing yourself the freedom to follow an idea


How & at which time do you pin on Pinterest?

I usually upload photos of my work as i complete them every few weeks. i like to pin other pins a few times a week.


Do you have tips & learnings on how you gained your Pinterest followers?

I like to follow pinners who appeal to me and pin really beautifully curated pins that are all linked by a common thread that can inspire weaving and textiles.


How do you use Pinterest in general & for your blog?

When i find images that really speak to me, i like to share the moment with my followers. i hope that they will inspire them too.


What are your 4 most favorite Pinterest boards from people you follow & name 4 favorite pins from these boards?

All of these boards are for inspiration of color, texture and thoughts


Who are your 4 most favorite Pinterest pinners & describe why? 

same as above


In your opinion what is a current trend on Pinterest?

For me it is all about pastel


do you have any questions/ helpful suggestions that you wish from Pinterest in the future?

no x

Thanx alot dear Maryanne! Maryanne Moodie Pinterest Boards.

Pinspiration Makramee Wandkunst Webkunst


Folge Pinspiration s Pinnwand „Art: Weaving & Macrame“ auf Pinterest.

// 1 Maryanne Moodie Instagram

// 2 Maryanne Moodie Instagram

// 3 Maryanne Moodie Instagram

// 4 Maryanne Moodie

// 5 Maryanne Moodie Instagram

// 6 Maryanne Moodie Instagram

// 7 Maryanne Moodie Instagram

// 8 & 9 Bilder vom spanischen Künstler Daniel Entonado

// 10 Textile Motten von Yumi Okita via The Jealous Curator

Vorsicht: auch hier gibt’s Weaving & Macrame Sucht:

// 11 Master Wall Hanging via Julie Thevenot

// 12 Six Rivers Woven macrame wall hanging via Morgane Frimane

// 13 Woven macrame wall hanging via Etsy Shop Kate and Feather

// 14 River Triptych Weave via hello hydrangea

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