“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” Die Wenigsten können mit den Worten des Schriftstellers Douglas Adams behaupten, dass sie im Hier und Jetzt schon so glücklich, geerdet und beruflich angekommen sind, dass es bis zur Rente keine Änderungswünsche gibt. Die amerikanische Illustratorin Abigail Halpin ist eine davon. Und genauso positiv fühle ich mich mit ihren Kunsthandwerken als ich sie das erste Mail auf Pinterest, ihrer Website und auf Instagram entdeckte: Eine unverwechselbare Liebe zur Natur, zu Vintage Mustern, Farben und Materialien sowie zur slawischen Kultur, dem Meer (von Maine) und ein Hauch von Kriminalgeschichten vereint Abigail in ihrem künstlerischen Repertoire. Neben Illustrationen gehören auch Papercuts, Stickereien, Geschirrdekor und Textildesign dazu. Gerne kombiniert sie ihre Talente als Mixed Media Artwork. Freut Euch auf Abigail, mein drittes Pinterest Pinner Interview 2016, und garantiert jeder Menge frischer Pinterest und Illustrations-Inspiration!
Personal questions
Describe yourself in 4 words:
Quirky, quiet, creative and a daydreamer.
What is a perfect day for you?
A perfect day for me is any that I get to be creative. That usually involves being at my drawing table with pencils, watercolors, embroidery work and a big mug of coffee.
What have been your most inspiring projects, what the most inspiring stories behind them?
One of my most inspiring projects I’ve worked on is, “Finding Wild,” a picture book I illustrated last year that will be published in May. The theme of the book is nature and how it can be found everywhere and anywhere. I used so many childhood camping memories and places near my home in the paintings. The illustrations are a love song to the natural world.
What and who inspires you?
Artistically, I’m a huge fan of Tasha Tudor, Carl Larsson, Eric Ravilious and eastern european folk art. I find inspiration in used book stores, old photo albums, sewing (especially vintage patterns), listening to records, mystery novels and trips to the beach.
What is the difference illustrating children’s books compared to other projects?
Children’s books are an interesting challenge, since you’re bringing to life the author’s words, while still maintaining your artistic style. I like the parameters that come with illustrating someone else’s words — you become like a detective, trying to unearth and draw what the text hints at. For other projects (particularly my own personal work) there are no guidelines and I can experiment and push boundaries. I like the balance of doing work for myself, but also creating picture books and staying within a framework.
What are your favorite must-see events/markets in your art scene & your personal travel destinations?
Living in New England, there are so many wonderful museums! Close to home, the Portland Museum of Art in Maine has a great collection of N.C. Wyeth’s paintings, an illustration hero of mine. Portland is also home to so many fun markets and galleries (like the Picnic craft fair). And if you need some coffee, you’re in luck since for a small city, it’s loaded with top notch cafes (my favorite is Tandem Coffee + Bakery).
Do you have future plans?
I’d like to pursue embroidery more, incorporating that further into my art practice. I would love to also design fabric and perhaps teach classes in my studio.

Pinterest Pinner Interview
When did you join Pinterest?
I joined Pinterest Autumn 2010.
What fascinates you to be part of Pinterest?
Pinterest feels like a wonderful, huge scrap book, just like the binders of magazine clippings I kept as a teenager.
How & at which time do you pin on Pinterest?
I pin when I need to step away from my work and need inspiration, often in the afternoon on a coffee break. I’ll also catch up on blogs and frequently pin from what I’m reading.
How do you use Pinterest in general & for your work?
I use Pinterest to help me refine my visual language. By stepping back and looking at what I’ve pinned, I come to better understand my personal aesthetic and the things that inspire and excite me. I also sometimes pin my own work, especially the free downloads I create.
What are your 4 most favorite Pinterest Boards from people you follow and name 4 favorite pins from these boards.
I love Rebecca Gallop’s home boards and have a hard time not repinning everything she shares on this!
This kitchen scene feels so magical.
Keiko Brodeur/Small Adventure has a wonderful home products board as well.
And how amazing is this piano!
Illustrator Claire Robertson has such terrific boards, but I really love her softies & dolls board.
I think this whale pin is so unique.
And I love sewing vintage patterns, so Rochelle New/Lucky Lucille’s “Sew Inspired: Vintage” board is definitely a favorite.
I’d really like to make this 1940’s playsuit.
Who are your 4 most favorite Pinterest pinners & describe why?
I love how varied and unique the pins Kelly Beall/Design Crush finds. Her recipe picks are always top notch!
Mer Mag finds so many lovely pins and has such a great playful aesthetic:
Abigail Joy is a pinner who I could easily repin almost everything she pins and I adore the travel pins she finds.
And I’d have to again say Rebecca Gallop for all the beautiful inspiration she posts.
In your opinion what is a current trend on Pinterest?
I’m noticing more people pinning images purely because they’re beautiful (in addition to more practical things like recipes and home repairs). Things like artistic portraits and travel images come to mind and I love seeing those pop up.
Do you have any questions/helpful suggestions that you wish from Pinterest in the future?
Not specifically — I always love to see the new ideas Pinterest comes up with, so trust there will be more of these delightful things in the future!
Herzlichen Dank| Thank YOU dear Abigail for being part of my Pineterest Pinner Interview series. All fotos taken from Abigail Halpins Website, Pinterest & Instagram profile.
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